Hi, welcome to our blog. We are the Young people’s Development Group (YPDG). We are young people who have come together to help create Horizon Youth Zone in Grimsby. This blog is to keep a log of our progress and achievements as we continue to work towards the opening of Horizon Youth Zone and the many opportunities that it will bring.
Welcome back and happy new year! Last year was a very good year for the YPDG and we’re hoping that this year will be even better.
In our first session of January, we were joined by Bailey from Be Great Fitness. Bailey told us about himself and about how he set up his own small business at the age of 17. We were all inspired to hear about how he struggled to behave in school but found discipline in boxing – becoming 2nd for his age and weight category at one point. After boxing changed his life, he decided to turn to fitness which led him to set up his own business. Be Great Fitness runs free classes accessible to everyone. We all really enjoyed hearing his story and look forward to working with him more in the future.
The following week, we were joined by Sadie who is taking over Horizon’s social media for us so that we can continue to keep everyone updated with our progress. Firstly, we all introduced ourselves and then we split off into small groups to continue looking at the poster for Horizon. We are hoping to attract some more young people into the young people’s development group so others can be involved in this brilliant project and have access to all the amazing opportunities that comes with being a part of the group. Then we went through the diary sheet which, if you have read other blogs, you will know is a regular occurrence so that we can keep up to date with everything coming up.
In our final session of the month, we spoke about the application we were putting in to get a grant to spread awareness about the sand dunes. Also, Ed, Josh and Harriet practiced for their presentation at the Grimsby Renewables Partnership meeting. Their presentation showcased plans for the youth zone and discussed how it will positively impact the region’s future workforce.

We started the year off well and are really looking forward to the next few months. We hope to see you next month, to hear about what we’ve been up to in February.